How I Met Your Mother Season 9 SPOILERS: Robin Slaps Barney In Episode 3? Is The Relationship On The Rocks?

With the much anticipated season 9 of "How I Met Your Mother" premiering last week, fans are awaiting the third episode with the same eagerness as the first back-to-back season premiere, which featured both episode one and two. Fans who have not had access to a television have gone on to watch "How I Met Your Mother" online (where you can watch it again and again and again...).


The Mother finally crosses paths with one of the cast members-Lily, who is on the same train with her. She offers cookies to Lily-deliciously named 'sombitches- and the pair bond over the rest of the train ride, with Lily ranting about Ted and attempting to bite the Mother at one point.

Marshall meanwhile stays true to his Minnesota manners and puts his trust in a woman he had argued with (and gotten thrown off the NY flight with), and they set off on a roadtrip to New York together.

Meanwhile, Ted and his driving gloves go around flash-backing and apparently still having feelings for Robin. It is revealed that he had gone to LA to retrieve the locket Robin had wanted to be married in, despite Lily forbidding him to.

The spouses-to-be Barney and Robin- who at first discover a horrifying possibility of their being related after speculating which crazy relatives will ruin the service- show signs of being seriously committed to each other as Robin helps Barney deal with his brother James' divorce.

The season 9 premiere ends as Ted flash-forwards to exactly a year later, where he and the Mother are together.

Episode 3

And speaking of relatives, CBS has recently released a teaser clip of the third episode of "H

ow I Met Your Mother," titled "Last Time in New York," with the couple about to welcome their elderly guests.

See the "How I Met your Mother" episode 3 preview here:

The couple are seen to be dreading their geriatric guests, with Robin lamenting "They move at a slow shuffle, they moan a lot, and if given the chance they'd chew your ear off!" after Barney likens the old people to Zombies. Later on she slaps him for bringing up the word 'buffet,' chastising him as it attracts the old people.

There's no shortage of laughs there!

Episode three of "How I Met Your Mother" airs Monday, but if you can't wait any longer you can go binge watch "How I Met Your Mother" online for now!

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