Boston- Internet ads with regards to Medical Marijuana alarms Massachusetts law enforcement as it increases today. The so called marijuana ad in the internet provides information such as who to contact with for marijuana treatment certification, list of physicians license to certify, and information on how to process legal marijuana treatment.
The said cannabis ad in the internet alarms the health care society and other marijuana companies, as this may be a threat to the people's health. "We would like to encourage the people to please be vigilant enough, as this marijuana ad may give them with false information", Dr. Susan Drew said.
According to Massachusetts Medical Society, the entrepreneurs behind the marijuana ad in the internet do not have a medical background; hence the possibility that they do not know the dosage and other vital information for marijuana prescription is unreliable.
"The fact that the people behind this marijuana ad in the internet do not have a medical knowledge proves that it is all about the money", Dr. Ronald Dunlap, cardiologist in president of American Medical Society. He also added that engaging in this kind of transaction may put someone at risk for drug toxicity and other irreversible complication, a people behind it do not have the medical background.
The ballot referendum that leads to the legalization of marijuana maybe authorize to produce marijuana for treatment, hence some entrepreneurs abuse marijuana by posting fake ad with unreliable data about how marijuana can be certified.
As of the moment, DFA would like to impose a rule that will benefit the patient by putting their health at top of priority, as substance abuse is really possible if the prescribe dosage is will not be followed.
In addition, marijuana legalization in the US remains to be one of the greatest concern, but some abuse which adds to negative feedback to marijuana.