Studies show that almost 6.7 million women suffer from infertility, and almost one percent is having trouble with pregnancy. "Infertility is the main factor that hinder the couples from making a baby", Dr. Carolina Dawn, Oby-Gyne said.
Majority of infertile women do not produce a hormone called "estrogen", which is needed to nurture and produce healthy eggs during monthly cycle.
But today, experts in Standford University have developed a technique that could help infertile eggs to become healthy and ready for pregnancy. The said technique will support follicles that will produce mature and healthy eggs again. This in return will help eggs to become fertile for pregnancy.
The said technique starts by extracting a sample of ovary, which is also known as in vitro activation (IVA). The ovary sample will be treated with protein and other component in order to make it healthy, hence it will qualify for pregnancy.
The treated ovary will then be re-implanted back to the body. Almost 27 female volunteered to the said study, five of them were able to produce viable egg, one was able to conceived pregnancy, and another delivered to a healthy baby boy.
The said scientific process was referred to as "Proceeding of the National Academy of Science" aims to increase higher possibility of pregnancy among couples. "We want this procedure to awaken life through pregnancy, and gives hope to those who dreams of having a complete family". Valerie Baker, director of Standford Program for Primary Ovarian Insufficiency said. She added that the said procedure facilitates healthy eggs, which increase the possibility of pregnancy.
In addition, Andrew La Barbera, director for American Society for Reproductive Medicine said that the said medical procedure is excellent for those infertile women who would like to experience actual delivery.