While it is true that there are a lot of freebies and many discounts for the month of October however, according to Black Friday Deals, it is much better to shop this November, as new style and more interesting items will be release on the market.
According to Black Friday Deal, there are six worst things that one may buy this October.
On the list is a large appliance such as washing machine. This kind of appliances will be having discount, twice the discount price for the month October. Hence it is recommendable if consumers will buy for large appliances this November.
On the second of not to buy for October is General Electronic such as camera. Economist says that they cannot foresee cheaper and affordable price this October, but certain that the price will be right for this month of November.
On the third is cold apparel, which has a higher price if you will buy it this October. Hence it is recommendable if it by the end of November, where winter season is fast approaching.
It is also not recommendable to buy HDTVs this October, not because the price is high, but HDTV price this October is lower compare to October.
Although laptop is a necessity today, but still Black Friday Deal do not recommend buying laptop this October. This is because some of quad core laptop has a lower price this November.
And last on the list, Black Friday Deal says that it is not recommendable to buy LCD TV this October, as great prices will be offer this November, along with its newest model.
The above list of "not to buy" for October may not necessarily means that one can't buy those things but, it is for those who are having a problem with their budget, hence it serves as a guide for an effective budgeting.