The medical world usually compares the human brain versus computers, and it has already been proven that human's ability to use the brain is beyond its ability to function. It has been said that every day, human brain uses almost 10% of its power only, which means there are still 90% remaining, hence thinking ability is not fully utilize.
However recently, a research suggest that brain commits six thinking mistake every day. This shocking truth earns various reactions from the different social media site such as Twitter, in which almost everybody is curious with the so called "six shocking thinking mistake by the brain".
The result shows that the brain's logical ability is altered due to our standard values. "One can hardly make a logical decision due to the influence of once culture that is not logically based", Dr. Arthur Newman says, a psychologist.
Another factor that influence the brain's ability to correctly think is what we called as "selection factor versus result", in which one believes to the so called "perfect body of an athlete", that is why one is capable of winning. However, one disregards the factors such as physical training and healthy living, which contributed to an athlete and win.
Third factor includes worrying for the things that have already passed. The term "sunk cost" is related to the brain's inability to move on with the things that had already happened that affects its ability to function logically.
Another factor is what we called as gambler's fallacy. It is the scenario in which the brain put too much pressure on the past, believing and hoping that it affects the future. This in return affects the brain to think logically.
On the fifth is "too much rationalization". The said research also defines it as "post-purchase rationalization" or "Buyer's Stockholm Syndrome". Paying too much on detail hinders the ability of the brain to absorbed another idea which is essential for continues brain process.
The research also defines the so called "The Anchoring Effect", in which the brain here focuses on a particular value. "The Anchoring Effect lets the other person compare her or his value to others", that alters the ability of the brain to believe on its capability to function, since the person is comparing.