The new X-Men movie may still be a little far away from the screening date, but fans are beginning to get excited after one of the movie's leads gives away some promising news about the upcoming film.
James McAvoy, who plays the younger Professor X in the upcoming "X-Men: Days of Future Past" has stated in an interview that the new movie, "X-Men: Days of Future Past," which had just wrapped up in filming, will be the "biggest X-Men movie yet."
"There's an army of brilliant actors in that film. Bryan Singer is back at the helm. Potentially it's going to be the biggest, most epic X-Men they've ever had. I think it's the second biggest production Fox have ever embarked upon, behind Avatar. So they're definitely going for it."
Original X-Men director Bryan Singer is back onboard, with X-Men fans breathing sighs of relief. Bryan Singer is believed to have directed the best of all the X-Men movies.
"Bryan's very protective of the series," McAvoy said of Bryan Singer, "He did create it. He did help form that environment that allowed subsequent superhero movies to exist and thrive like they have done for the last however many years... He does take it really seriously. There's a kind or reverence about it, which I like... You know you're in good hands."
X-Men: Days of Future past will feature several returning mutants from the previous "X-Men: First Class" film, but will also reportedly feature both young and old versions of Professor X and Magneto. McAvoy however, did not get to know Patrick Stewart, who plays his older version, Professor X.
"His last day was my first day, and that was it," McAvoy said of his and Stewart's filming schedules. While they did not get to know each other better, McAvoy says that they do have a scene in the film together.
But James McAvoy seemed enamored of another cast member:
"Getting to work with Hugh [Jackman] - who I christened Hugo Boss - was great. What he's like on camera when he's getting interviewed and you think he's the nicest man in show business - he is. He's amazing. The guy's got grace coming out of every single pore. If we could all be a bit more like Hugh it would be a very happy planet."
Hugh Jackman, who will be playing Wolverine thrown into the past, will not be getting along very well with young Magneto as played by Michael Fassbender; No word yet how he gets along with Professor X!
"X-Men: Days of Future Past" will be out in theaters on May 23, 2014.