Carrie Trailer: Telekinetic Chloe Grace Moretz In Coffee Shop Terrifies New Yorkers

The 2013 remake of "Carrie" is due to be out on October 18, and promoters have already released a horrifying promo for the film. You can watch the promo stunt here:

(Several people still believe that one of these promotional stunts will give somebody a heart attack one of these days)

For the unsuspecting customers of a New York City Café, a run-of-the-mill confrontation occurs in front of them: a guy accidentally spills coffee over another girl's laptop. The girl whose laptop is now drenched with coffee, is freaking out. Video footage capture other customers (those who aren't actors) rolling their eyes until the girl lifts her arm and the guy who spilled her coffee is lifted up to the ceiling. Later, she creates a mess, moving tables away from her and throwing books off the shelves. Terrified customers flee, others are too dumbstruck to move.

Creating surreal situations like these for promotional stunts are up to Thinkmodo, an NYC-based viral video marketing company. They had also been responsible for the video of a man "hacking" the Times Square video screens for the "Limtless" campaign, and flew remote control planes that looked eerily like real, flying humans from a distance over the Hudson river for the movie "Chronicle."

Something so bizarre and simple takes a lot of hard work: for the coffee shop scene, they had to build an entire fake wall and set up rigs. Hidden cameras were installed and springs set for the books. The tables were remote-controlled in a downstairs room, and everything had to be practiced until the shop could open to its first potential witnesses.

The promo is a one-time thing, and so the only other place you can see a telekinetic teenager thrash things around is when the new "Carrie" movie comes out. Starring Chloe Grace Moretz as the eponymous telekinetic and Julianne Moore as her psychotic, hyper-religious mother, the movie will be out in theaters on October 18.

Watch the trailer here:

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