"12 Years A Slave" has been among the most critically acclaimed movies of the year since its releasein the Toronto Film Film Festival, and is expected to be present in this seasons' awarding ceremonies, but one man seems to be unfazed by it all.
Morgan Freeman, an iconic actor who had once portrayed God in a film and has lent his voice to several documentaries, has gone on to say that he is not interested in seeing "12 Years a Slave."
"12 Years a Slave," directed by Steve McQueen, is a drama based on the true to life accounts of the life of Solomon Northup, a freeman who was kidnapped and sold into slavery in the South. The film has since been hailed as a masterpiece.
Morgan Freeman still isn't convinced.
"I saw a television movie that was made a few years ago about the same character," the 76-year-old Morgan Freeman who next stars in November 1's "Last Vegas," explained to members of the media. "But I don't particularly want to see it. I don't want my anger quotient exacerbated, you know? Things are bad enough as they are. I don't want to keep punching myself in the face with it."
Morgan Freeman has said that his ancestors on his father's side had been slaves, and does not want to exarcerbate his anger on such history even further by watching "12 Years a Slave." "12 Years a Slave" is produced by Bradd Pitt and stars Brad Pitt himself, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Giamatti, Paul Dano, Quvenzhane Wallis, among many others.