Chris Brown's White House Arrest

Early Sunday Hip-Hop Artist Chris Brown was linked to another violent outburst. This resulted in his arrest at the W Hotel right outside of the White House Brown's body guard was also arrested in the incident. The singer who has the ironically titled hit 'Look At Me Now" seems to have a knack for drawing attention to himself and his hoodlum like behavior, despite his increasing success.

No word on if the Body guard is Brown's handler, hired to prevent such trouble from incurring or this is a precaution due to the fact Brown is more noted for his violence against women. His most publicized victim has been girlfriend Rhianna, whose fame has eclipsed his own.

The fight resulted when two woman spotted Brown outside of the hotel and prompted him to take a picture with them. Two men jumped into the picture before it could be taken. Brown then informed the men that he was not into homosexual relations but was into to boxing, and proceeded to attack them. The victim 20 year old Adams Parker of Maryland had his nose was broken in the scuffle. However the bone breaking blow was more than likely delivered by Brown's 6'5" 240 lb bodyguard, who stepped in seeing that Brown has had minimal experience actually combating men.

After the attack the two attackers retreated to the tour bus, parked nearby. Brown was surprisingly not a guest at the White House, but was in town to host a homecoming party.

This is expected to aggravate Brown's current legal situation as he is still on probation for assaulting Rhinnna in 2009 and is under investigation for falsifying hundreds of community service hours. He was also involved in a hit and run, his management bought his way out of despite the reports of the driver of car Brown hit claiming his went crazy and started screaming at her at the top of his lungs before driving off. The State of California could extradite him from the Washington jail for a probation review as this will be the third probation violation in the past year. He has had an additional 1000 hours of community service tagged on this year, so it is doubtful that a judge would be lenient with Brown now. Even if this most recent arrest does not result in a conviction, the terms of his probation require for the singer to stay out of trouble and this would fall under the definition of trouble.

Chris Brown, Hip hop, White House
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