The situation in London involving people calling the fire department is getting so bad, they had to release an official safety statement asking the public to think twice before engaging in bizarre sex acts with household items. This came to a head after they were called to free a man's penis from a toaster oven.
In the past two years the number of sex related emergency calls has risen to over thirteen hundred. The most common of these being couples who are using hand cuff and find either they have lost the key or it doesn't work. Other accidents such as the toaster incident they warn are much more dangerous and , when involving electricity there is always the risk for electrocution.
The book Fifty Shades of Gray has been speculated to brought this sort of fetish like behavior into the spotlight. The police chief speculates it could serve as a gateway drug with a rippling effect, causing common sense to often go out the window. He said the list of bizarre situations also includes men with rings stuck on their privates, and the less sexual but equally strange cases of ur people with their hands stuck in blenders and paper shredders
Psychologists state that cases such as the toaster- man, qualifies as a paraphilia . A paraphilia is when a normal situation is given fetish like power, this particular paraphilia object sexuality often comes from people who find any type of close emotional relationship incomprehensible. They do not tend to associate this with the need to self harm or endanger themselves, this is more typical of masochists , who are better at knowing their limits and tend to entrust the harm onto a responsible individual , which would be a behavior more like what is found in the Fifty Shades of Gray book.
Object Sexuality has received some public attention ranging from shows like Tyra Banks and My strange Addiction to National Geographic who did a feature on it for their show " Taboo" Studies on the occurrence only began to gather data for this in 2009 with Dr. Amy Marsh. What ever the case might be, the data would be conclusive that safety should always be the primary concern no matter who or what you love. This is on the rise and there are support groups forming to help people who feel like this is inhibiting their lives, with groups like Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous addressing these issues now .