Why Teens are Leaving Facebook

Despite the best attempts of giraffes and video games, Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that teens are beginning to think Facebook is no longer cool and the site is having trouble maintaining that demographic. The news put a damper on stocks that had soared up fifteen percent earlier in the week.

This news of the declining teen market is far from a death blow, due to the fact Facebook holds a grip on forty nine percent of the global ad market . The only problem this leads to lies seven or eight years down the road when the teens grow up and there is a whole generation who sees Facebook as a site their parent and even grandparents use. This does recall Facebook's early days when it's primary market was Ivy league college kids and most teens were on Myspace. Now tumbleweeds blow through the ghost town of a site that lies forgotten as purgatory for underground bands sending friend requests to one another.

So where are teens going? It is doubtful they are abandoning social media altogether. It seems they are heading over to Twitter and Instagram because they are less gossipy and drama filled. In the recent study done by , The Pew Internet & American Life Project, the company concluded the reasons were, an increased adult presence, people sharing excessively, and stressful drama.

Apparently, teens these days are leaving the drama at the lunch room and associate it with school. It also makes sense that adult who act like high schoolers on Facebook causing drama , are now going to be seen as the Al Bundy's who try to relive their glory days, while sitting on the couch with their hands and in their pants, though her its replace with a keyboard.

In interviews with teens, they got many responses along the lines of " I'm going to Twitter because my mom doesn't have one" So while teens see their Facebook profile as a means to stay current with out of town family and friends , they no longer see it as something new an exciting that is an experience unique to them.

Facebook might be too clique ridden for them, but the twitter and instagram crowd is more of the popular kids table at the lunch room, where the goths, punks and artsy types are more likely to use Tumblr, which has gained popularity in the underground music markets. Now that social media had replace the tables at the lunch room.

Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter, Social media
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