Gang Rapists Sentenced to Mow Grass

Needless to say there are a few people in Nairobi, Kenya who are not pleased about the sentence handed down to suspects in a gang rape case. They have taken to the streets in protest. The sixteen year old victim was dumped in a sewage ditch after being gang raped by the six suspects between the age of sixteen and twenty , three of who she later identified.The accused rapists cut the grass at the police station and were then released. The crowd of protesters gathers at the chief of police's office , and began chanting justice for liz, while throwing panties at the gates outside.

The girl was walking home from her grandfather's funeral when she was attacked.Neighbors heard her cries and pulled her broken and bloody out from the sewage ditch, before the angry mob formed to drag the suspects down to the police station. Upon their release after tending to the lawn at the police station the suspects went into hiding. The police have agreed to resume an investigation, but it is believe the rapists might have fled into Uganda.

Since the attack Liz has, been plagued with medical problems, she is now confined to a wheelchair and suffers from a condition making it unable to control her bowels . The online campaign,  the Coalition on Violence Against Women launched already has 1.3 million signatures. While one of the more extreme examples of the prevalence of violence toward women, it is estimated that thirty two percent of girls in Kenya younger than eighteen experience some form of sexual violence, though it is speculated that those numbers could be higher as most rape goes unreported, even more so than it is in America, as it has become almost a way of life.  

In Kenya the stigma attached to being a rape  is high because the women face the threat of being thrown out of their houses by their husbands as a result. This was brought to light by Amnesty International after the alleged rape of hundreds of Kenyan women face at the hands of British soldiers on exercise in Kenya between 1965 and 2002 . Six hundred and fifty women were gang raped by soldiers during that time. The British government is set to compensate the country to the tune to twenty million dollars.So if not due to the brutal nature of Liz's rape it would seem like a drop in the bucket. 

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