Sure the cost of your daily fix at Starbucks adds up, but now add liver cancer to the list of cancers, java is proving effective at decreasing the risk of. Other cancers coffee have been credited with helping to stave off include, Prostate, oral, skin and endometrial.
The most recent finding have come from researchers in Italy, who have complied information from over three thousand cases dating back to 1996. Some of the studies suggested the increased benefits came with larger consumption, where regular coffee drinkers with less than three cups a day were at a forty percent decrease, coffee drinkers who drank up to three cups of coffee saw a fifty percent decrease.
This study suggests there is a fine line in moderation, as it had been suggested coffee can cause death in excessive java junkies under the age of fifty five. So over three cups of coffee a day must fall into the over indulgence category.
Another interesting point this study brings up is how coffee has always been associated as the preferred substitute for alcoholics who were trying to give up the booze. With coffee consumption being a mainstay of the twelve step recovery program, going hand in hand that alcoholics have been the most likely candidates to have suffered liver damage.
Other benefits from drinking coffee include it being the number one source that most Americans get their antioxidants from, along with the fact just the smell lessens stress. It also improves mood and cuts down the risk of suicide in sufferers of depression, this is thanks to the high level of antioxidants the human body's takes to better than even fruits and vegetables.
This all comes as good news to the fifty four percent of Americans who drink coffee, and gives them more justification to make another trip to any of the eleven thousand Starbucks locations that had popped up as of two years ago. This almost magical elixir has been credited in the past as making people smarter and more athletic doesn't seem to be losing any ground in its popularity.
This new researcher also offsets the old wives tales of the risks coffee can bring, such as stunting children's growth, then there are the past claims which are being reversed that coffee caused an increased risk for heart disease and cancer ,as older studies did not taking into consideration other unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking.