American Academy of Pediatrics concluded this week when they met in Orlando Florida this week, that the early onset of puberty in girls causing them to sprout breasts and grow pubic hair as earlier as seven and eight years of age is becoming the new norm. Though most studies have reported their was only a shift from 1970 to today by a year.
While the beginning budding of breasts does not signify that they will menarche ( have their first period). Some past studies have warned that girls who face puberty early have a higher risk to have heart problems later on as adults. Pediatricians only think the early onset of puberty is a risk if the growth of breasts is accompanied by a growth spurt, such an occurrence might bring up things like tumors or cysts.
Another repercussion of early menes is thought to be premature aging of the bones, that leads to stunted growth despite the maturity formed on a hormonal level in other areas. Hormonal treatments geared towards halting early development seems to make the biggest change in more emotional areas for young girls , who might feel set apart from their peers for developing too early and leading to embarrassing attention from boys they are not ready to deal with. This also draws the attention of older boys not in their age group, who are experience sexually and risk pregnancy in girls too young to handle it.
There have been theories that blame the early blooming trend on hormonal from the milk of genetically enhanced cows , to the more sexual tone of the media triggering this in the girls subconscious, but such theories are about as realistic to doctors as the plot to Carrie as , studies are showing the trend in the increasing obesity in Americans is a much more likely culprit.
With Obesity the increase in the fat cells cause the breasts to form. It seem puberty is developing in such a manner more among black or Hispanic girls than Caucasian, due to the often lower incomes, which lead to poorer dietary habits, like a fast food heavy diet.
Doctors just see this trend as where we are as a society and reaffirm the need for parent to reassure their daughters during this time, but not hesitating to have hard conversations about the changes their bodies are undergoing and what comes with it sooner than later should this occur.