An American soldier based miles away in Asia watched an unknown man stab his 9-month pregnant wife, Rachel Poole, while they are conversing through FaceTime, Huffington Post reported Sunday.
Justin Pele Poole was video chatting with his wife, Rachel Poole, when all of a sudden he saw a man pulling a knife from behind and mercilessly stabbing his 9-months pregnant wife Wednesday.
According to KFOX, Rachel was rushed directly to the hospital after she managed to call for help following the brutal stabbing she got from a man, who was believed to have been hiding inside her Texas home before she even arrived.
Authorities identified the man as 19-year-old Corey Bernard Moss and based on police documents, Moss used a stainless steel knife during the stabbing.
ABC15 reported that while the stabbing was on-going, Rachel's husband, Justin - an American soldier who has been based in Asia for nine months now - watched helplessly through FaceTime as every stab hit his wife's body.
Fortunately, their baby, Isabella, was safely delivered through a successful emergency cesarean section. But Rachel was in critical condition the entire time, Gary Jones told
Based on some reports, Poole managed to prompt the authorities for help, and she has also managed to recognize the attacker, thus, she was even able to scream out his name to her husband. Because of this, the Fort Bliss Military Police was able to locate Moss and turn him over to El Paso police.
In an initial statement, Moss allegedly said that Rachel Poole owed him some money for the vehicle repairs he did earlier that week. Moss was then charged with "criminal attempted capital murder." His initial bond was at $60,000, but latest documents show that it is not at $150,000.
A police affidavit identified Moss as a soldier in training on Fort Bliss military base.
On Saturday, Justin Poole managed to upload some photos on Facebook showing his wife and his newborn daughter. He wrote a caption which reads: "My wife fought back so that her daughter could live. But she cannot see out of her eye still at all. And can't see or hold her baby until she recovers."
As of late, their baby Isabella is listed in good condition.
The Poole family has started an online fundraising movement for Rachel and her baby, which simply aims to raise $5,000. And at the moment, the effort has raised $5,983 in total.