Country star Brad Paisley, who co-hosted CMA's Wednesday night, and his wife actress Kimberly Williams-Paisley, were victims of an online child cancer hoax.
Talking for ABC News, the couple said that a stranger named Carrie wrote her an email in early September saying her daughter Claire had cancer and was dying.
"She even sent me photos, recordings of her daughter singing to me and begging her to get in touch with me," Williams-Paisley said. "We started to contact each other via phone calls, texts and more emails."
"I even sang 'Amazing Grace' on the phone to the girl who allegedly was dying," she added. "But we found out when the girl supposedly died. She was sending us photos of an actual girl battling neuroblastoma in California."
When the girl died, the couple asked for an address to send flowers but the mother wouldn't reply to them. Afterward, she sent an email to Kimberly angrily saying "I don't need you to pray for me!".