Brian Griffin, the lovable white labrador of "Family Guy," is dead.
Fans of the popular FOX cartoon show "Family Guy" were stunned as one of the major characters-and one of the most beloved-Brian Griffin, was killed off on the show.
The Brown-educated, dry martini-sipping, novel-writing white labrador and best friend of Stewie Griffin, was fatally run over in Sunday night's episode of "Family Guy," as he and Stewie had been preparing to play outside.
The Sunday episode of "Family Guy" is ironically titled "Life of Brian," only for it to end with the death of Brian.
Creators of "Family Guy," have long been hinting that one of the major characters of the show was going to be killed off, but none of the fans have suspected that it was going to be Brian Griffin, who in the past has had key roles in plots and gags in the show. Voiced by Seth MacFarlane, Brian Griffin and baby Stewie Griffin have shared a dynamic that had been one of the more popular elements of the show.
Executive producer for the show Steve Callaghan explained that the decision to kill Brian Griffin off had been "an idea that got pitched in the writer's room and it sort of caught fire...we thought it could be a fun way to shake things up...we got very excited about the way this change will affect the family dynamics and characters."
Fans have been in an uproar though, especially after Peter Griffin was quick to bring home a new talking dog, this time named Vinnie, who is voiced by Tony Sirico, who in turn has also portrayed Mafioso Paulie Walnuts in "The Sopranos."
Some fans still hold out hope for Brian's return however, as Stewie owns a (currectly disassembled) time machine.