An exploding whale video was caught on cam about 2 days ago by the Faroese Broadcasting Corporation, Examiner reported Thursday.
According to, the whale had been reportedly dead for a couple of days already when a biologist attempted to cut it open for examination. However, a shocking event took place once the biologist managed to cut through the behemoth's body: an explosion.
As of late, the exploding whale video which was posted on Nov. 26 on YouTube, gained more than 2 million views right away because of its peculiar yet graphic content.
Mail Online reported that the biologist, who was spared from the explosion of the dead whale's gut, is Bjarni Mikkelsen.
Mikkelsen managed to tell Mail Online his understanding of the accident, and according to him, "The animal was more than two days old when we took it so we knew there would be some pressure on the inside, but nothing like what happened."
Several reports surfaced claiming that the exploding whale died of natural causes after it was trapped in narrow channel of the Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic.
In the video, which can be viewed under this post, we can see Mikkelsen escaping the harm of the explosion, which sent most of the whale's internal organs flying in the air for a second or two. Blood can also be seen gushing alongside the suspended organs.
"We couldn't imagine it would happen like that so it was a little bit more of a surprise. It wasn't a shock. We had expected something. In the situation I was more worried about something worse happening or anyone getting hurt. We were cutting along the dorsal part of the animal so when it exploded it did so in a very controlled way," Mikkelsen said in an interview. "It was very loud, I suppose. It's something everyone here is talking about."
The exploding whale video was first uploaded by Johan Joense with the title, "Sperm Whale explodes!" and a description saying, "Sperm Whale explodes in the Faroe Islands while a man is trying to open his stomach. Sperm Whales are not killed in the Faroe Islands, this one died from natural causes..." However, the clip uploaded by a user called albij is the one that's been raking millions of views as of late.