Macaulay Culkin Forms Pizza Related, Velvet Underground Cover Band

Never let it be said that Macaulay Culkin has no sense of humor. The former child star has taken it upon himself to form a Velvet Underground cover band that only sings songs about pizza. Their name? The Pizza Underground, naturally.

Formed in February 2012, the band precedes the death of Velvet underground band member, Lou Reed. Macaulay Culkin is joined by band members, Matt Colbourn, Phoebe Kreutz, Deenah Vollmer and Austin Kilham, all part of New York's anti-folk scene as some would call it.

Most of the songs are just the same Velvet Underground tunes but changed to a more pizza-friendly content. Macaulay Culkin has not been confirmed as the band's lead lyric writer but the lyrics are pretty funny. Sung to the tune of These Days, the song Cheese days goes: "I've been out walking / I don't do too much toppings these days / Cheese days / Cheese days I seem to order cheese and don't say please and then I walk away / Don't ask for pepperoni, not today."

Macaulay Culkin and his band have performed at some small gigs, one of them even a tribute to Lou Reed. He is also credited with playing percussion and kazoo as well as some vocals. The Home Alone star seems to be doing well, a healthy and refreshing change of media image as opposed to last year when the tabloids had him pegged as battling a serious drug addiction.

The pizza Underground have yet to make an album but their released demo has been reported as recorder from Macaulay Culkin's house. The young actor has also been spotted with rumored new flame, Jordan Lane Price, in Paris no less.

The band's tracks can be heard on their Bandcamp page. Though not required, it is highly suggested that these songs be enjoyed with, what else, pizza.


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