Why Drinking Wine Regularly Is Good For Men’s Fertility [VIDEO + REPORT]

This holiday season, wine is probably the best drink men should indulge into not only because it sets the right mood for love-making, but as well as gives the male reproductive organ the right boost in producing superior and healthier sperm cells.

According to a new study published recently in 'Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine,' wine intake has a significant effect on the quality and quantity of sperm a man makes, making him more fertile than the average man with little to very minimal intake of vinos.

Meanwhile, a study of the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine in Poland also came up with somewhat similar results to the first study, indicating that regular intake of wine "in moderation" can actually lead to the production of much stronger and healthier sperm or the type that is capable of surpassing all the obstacles sperm face prior to reaching the egg cell.

Nevertheless, based on CBS's coverage on the studies, there is no clear indication whether heavy drinkers are capable of producing a much stronger kind neither did CBS specify whether the sperm produced by moderate wine drinkers is stronger than that of winos.

Additionally, both researchers concluded that there are also other factors to consider such as the ones related to a man's lifestyle. They also emphasized the importance of relaxation, moderate intake of coffee and the use of loose fitting boxers or underwear in ensuring the health or strength of the sperm being produced.

If you are wondering what is the best way to define "moderate drinking" or moderate intake of wine, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it's having two glasses a day.