Ben Folds Featured in Native Magazine [VIDEO & REPORT]

Ben Folds is featured in the 2013 issue of Native, a print magazine dedicated to featuring celebrities from Nashville. His musical career and charity work were among the topics of his interview for the magazine.

Ben Folds' professional career in the industry spans twenty years. He is known for being the frontman of Ben Folds Five, a rock and roll band who created several hits. On his interview with Native, Ben talks about his passion for music and why he loves what he does: "I work with people who are all really interested in helping people, we leverage a lot of energy toward these things. I use my quasi-celebrity status where I can,"

Ben is seen working with the Schermerhom Symphony and he is also asking for donations for them. Aside from donating his time training the member for an upcoming musical fundraise, Ben also lobbies with his friends from the industry to support the people involved in the symphony. Through Ben, the symphony is chosen to be a part of the performers for a major event this December. On December 15, reported that country singer Taylor Swift donated USD 100,000 to the symphony.

Aside from the symphony, Ben also works with the Nashville Ballet.

"I'm not trying to get an 'A' in composition," Ben said, "I really have to put that out of my head and make a piece that I thought was the reason that I make music."

Here's a video of him performing Brick:

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