Bristol Palin, daughter of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin have joined Team Phil Robertsoon's side in the issue regarding the reality TV show star's disparaging remarks against gay individuals.
This week on wednesday, A&E had the head of the Duck Dynasty family removed from his spot and suspended for an undisclosed amount of time. Robertson made the anti-gay comments during his interview with GQ magazine. Bristol and mother Sarah have joined the pro-Robertson faction which defends the reality show's actions as "constitutional" and within his rights of freedom of speech.
In one instance Robertson explained that, "it seems like, to me, a vagina-as a man-would be more desirable than a man's anus. That's just me. I'm just thinking: There's more there! She's got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I'm saying? But hey, sin: It's not logical, my man. It's just not logical."
Robertson continued on, telling GQ that homosexual behavior could lead to Bestiality and sleeping around with both sexes. Robertson advised everyone not to be deceived, emphasizing that adulterers, male prostitutes, idolaters, swindlers, slanderers will be able to "inherit the kingdom of God."
Duck Dynasty's company, A&E released an official statement regarding their stand on the issue right after the incident.
Representatives from the entertainment company said that they were very disappointed after reading Robertson's remarks in GQ magazine. They also emphasized that Robertson's remarks were based on his own personal beliefs and do not reflect the opinions of the cast and crew of Duck Dynasty and A&E Networks.
Due to the nature of Robertson's comments, the company has placed the Duck Dynasty star under hiatus for an indefinite period of time.
Sarah Palin was amongst the first high profile names to voice out support for Robertson, instead of doing the opposite.
Bristol Palin, famous for her stance against same-sex unions, followed her mother's footsteps soon after and expressed support for the Duck Dynasty star.