I Stand With Phil Petition: Fans take "Duck Dynasty" Phil Robertson's side with "I Stand With Phil" petition

I Stand With Phil petition -- days after A&E booted Phil Robertson from "Duck Dynasty," fans of the hit reality show take matters into their own hands and start a petition to bring him back.

Thousands of Robertson's fans came out to openly voice out their support for the booted star. The uproar caused by the "Duck Dynasty" reality star had become so massive that Twitter had been forced to re-open the "I Stand With Phil" petition which the social media site had mistakenly blocked previously.

"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson was known for his wild, interesting life story, as shown in the hit reality show. Robertson's life had gone to the pits wihen he had, at some point, been saved by newfound faith and trust in Jesus Christ as his savior. From then on, he's changed for the better and began to preach the teachings of the Bible to the world.

Phil Robertson's controversial comments regarding lesbians and gays being sinful, however, had proved more judgmental rather than righteous. After his GQ interview came to light and the damage had been done to the LGBT community, the "Duck Dynasty" star was removed from the show's line-up for good.

"I Stand With Phil," a Faith Driven Consumer website, had announced their opinion on the matter and stated clearly that they would like A&E, the company that produced Duck Dynasty, to reconsider Phil Robertson's removal from the show.

The site also claimed that majority of the fans plan on boycotting the entire show if Robertson will not be brought back.

The I Stand with Phil petition says:

"Dear A&E Network,

I am writing to you regarding your network's intolerant, discriminatory, and punitive treatment of Mr. Phil Robertson, star of A&E's #1 hit show, Duck Dynasty.

Mr. Robertson's comments in GQ Magazine are simply reflective of a Biblical view of sexuality, marriage, and family - a view that has stood the test of time for thousands of years and continues to be held by the majority of Americans and today's world as a whole."

The "I Stand with Phil" petition has attracted more than 200,000 people willing to support Phil Robertson's side of the aissue. The petition aims to gather 250,000 votes in support of the "Duck Dynasty" star.

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