Selena Gomez Dies at 21: Is the Unexpected Death of the Lupus-Diagnosed Celebrity Real?

Selena Gomez is dead. At least that's what the latest circulating news has to say. After bravely revealing to the public that she was indeed diagnosed with lupus, the young actress allegedly passed away this morning. But many questioned the report since it claims that Selena Gomez didn't die because of the autoimmune disorder, but she instead fell to her death in Austria.

Many were shocked today when a news report from Global Associated News claimed that Selena Gomez unfortunately died in Kitzbühel, Austria at the young age of 21. The news was so believable because it even stated some details on the accident that allegedly took the young actress/singer's life away.

The report states that Gomez died while filming her upcoming movie in Austria at approximately 4:30 a.m. UTC.GMT+12. The said news even indicates that preliminary reports from Austrian police already confirmed the celebrity's passing following her fall from a cliff more than 100 feet in a remote area in Hahnenkamm mountains. Fans who were quick to believe the news readily shared it on social media. Others even voiced out there sympathy to the family of the young actress.

Additionally, there are those who shared their sympathy to Justin Bieber, who according to several reports has recently rekindled his past flame with Gomez as proven by their latest Instagram pic. The two were even spotted in California spending some quality time together as though the break-up never happened.

Nevertheless, it was found out later on that the said news was simply another celebrity death hoax as Selena Gomez is still updating her fans that she is enjoying her time with BFF Demi Lovato, according to Hollywoodlife. Furthermore, the news became very questionable when it stated that Selena Gomez was busy filming for her upcoming film when in fact she is currently taking a break from her celeb life and enjoying some quality time with friends and family while going through a tough time in managing her condition.

Meanwhile, fans who found out right away that the news about Selena Gomez's death was a fraud expressed their anger on social media. Some even pointed out that the source was not at all reliable adding that there is actually a note at the bottom of the report saying that it is entirely "FAKE."

Here is what the entire note says, "THIS STORY IS 100% FAKE! this is an entertainment website, and this is a totally fake article based on zero truth and is a complete work of fiction for entertainment purposes! this story was dynamically generated using a generic 'template' and is not factual. Any reference to specific individuals has been 100% fabricated by web site visitors who have created fake stories by entering a name into a blank 'non-specific' template for the purpose of entertainment."

Gomez now joins the long list of celebrities, who got axed by these celebrity death hoaxes. Other stars who suffered the same fate include: Celine Dion, Woody Harrelson, Sarah Hyland, Lil Wayne, Chloe Moretz, and even Selena's on-again off-again boyfriend, Justin Bieber.

Selena Gomez, Celebrity Death Date, Celebrity Death Hoax, Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato