Golnessa Gharachedaghi is no stranger to the drama of Shahs of Sunset. The actress had shared some for her darker past when she did an interview with Ahmed Shihab-Eldin, host of HuffPost Live. Here's one of Golnesa Gharachedaghi Hot Photos:
During the interview, Gharchedhagi shared that she did drugs during her younger days as she suffered from an identity crisis. Here's another of Golnesa Gharachedaghi Hot Photos:
"I did go through a lot of identity crisis growing up because I didn't have Persians around me," Gharachedaghi said in the interview. "So everything I did was to try to fit in. I rebelled, I asked for attention in the wrong ways. So, I got in a lot of trouble. I got kicked out of 10 schools. I got arrested... a lot." And another of Golnesa Gharachedaghi Hot Photos: