Alaska and marijuana might be two words that will go along in the near future as a move to legalize recreational hemp in the northernmost state has been put into black and white with 46,000 signatures submitted to the state election office.
Now that Colorado and Washington state have officially legalized the circulation of marijuana, it seems that Alaska is also gearing to allow the legitimate use of hemp among its residents.
It can be noted that both Colorado and Washington state's move to legalize recreational marijuana was primarily all thanks to the voters or advocates of the legal circulation of hemp. Now, Alaska wants to do the same, or at least a large portion of its population does.
However, the 46,000 pro-signatures are yet to be verified. According to FOX News, the state needs to have at least 30,000 qualified signatures so that the legalization of marijuana in Alaska will be realized provided that at least 7 percent of the votes should come from at least 30 House districts.
"It's clear that Alaskans are eager to have an opportunity to express their displeasure with the current system and make a change," Tim Hinterberger, a School of Medical Education at the University of Alaska Anchorage professor said. "We have no reason to think our campaign will be any less successful."
CSMonitor reports that no formal opposition has been formed to go against the proposed initiative of finally legalizing recreational marijuana in Alaska.
Other states are also attempting to legalize recreational marijuana in their area. CNN reports that included in the list of states that are planning to legalize hemp include: California, Arizona, Maine, Nevada, Montana, and Massachusetts.