Los Angeles Plastic Bag Ban; The Era of The Reusable Bag

Can't make a new years resolution? Well don't you worry, if you live in the LA area the Los Angeles City Council has made one for you! Los Angeles is now the largest city in the country to have officially banned the use of plastic bags, starting on the first day of 2014.

The new law applies to grocery stores but also the big wigs like Target and Walmart that carry groceries, have annual sales of over $2 million and are larger than 10,000 square feet. Smaller grocery outlets like convenience stores will be included in the ban starting July 1st. The ban however will not apply to Restaurants, dry cleaning shops and hardware stores.

What does the ban mean for Los Angeles residents? Well, we all have our do-gooder reusable bags, typically in our trunk or hanging in that cabinet in the kitchen just below the junk drawer where everything goes to die. Maybe the one you have in particular made you sleep a little easier that night because you went out on a limb and paid two bucks for half the proceeds to go to some global non-profit you've never heard of. . .or maybe you have, good for you, you're one step ahead of us all. Usually we forget them and realize it once we're at home unpacking all of our tasty treats. Well now, if you're living or visiting Los Angeles you'll be out 10 cents a bag if you leave those reusable bags at home.

Passed in the Los Angeles City Council last June, the ban is part of an effort to help prevent further pollution and clean up the streets. If stores fail to comply with the law, they can be fined anywhere between $100 and $500.

The ban has come with some confusion and negativity, with the biggest issue trending being the negative effect the ban will have on plastic bag makers like Crown Poly. However, overall the ban has seemed to gain positive "Green," momentum among the web and several Los Angeles news outlets. Thus begins the era of the reusable bag!

Los angeles
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