Google Watch: Would This New Samsung Galaxy Gear Competitor Take the Market?

The technology grapevine seems to have leaked some gossip involving Google and its launch of a smart watch according to Gigaom, inclining the search engine leader will continue building on its competitive, interface business momentum.

Rumored to launch under the moniker "Google Gem," the predicted smart watch's functionality would work much like Google Glass, be lightweight, have a long battery life and seemingly embolden Google's place in the relay race against Apple for visionary gadgets if successful.

According to Quartz the winning edge that would make the Google smart watch tick is two pronged. It would have to provide inclusive compatibility with Android phone service providers, as opposed to being limited to the Moto X smartphone if made by Motorola, and moreover it will be about mimicking an already useful smart watch design backed by the juggernaut brand name that is the Google.

Apple, Androids and smartphones aside, what all this smart watch talk means for the business world infers the ever-growing push toward mobility, and even further down the scope is how and when will this bolster Google's stock.

The impact Google Glass made on Google's stock was precarious according to CIO, and gave way to speculation around the device concerning everything from privacy concerns to geonfencing.

Yet what was concrete about the futuristic headpiece was its positive impact on company's marketing and media content. Now if their smart watch goes off without a glitch and adequately incorporates consumer power and social media, then Google will not only have a solid platform for further experimenting with toys, but another proposed leg up on Apple and eventually on profit shares.

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