Just 20 miles southeast of Las Vegas, Boulder City, a quiet no-gaming town of green parks and small town values, has been hit with a crime wave of home break-ins. With a population of only 15K, Boulder City's crime rates are well below national averages, but since the New Year, at least 9 burglaries have been reported, including forced break-ins, robbery of jewelry, money, and other small sized valuables.
Residences, once comfortable leaving their homes and cars unlocked, are now being warned by police to lock their doors and be on the lookout for any suspicious individuals. Local news reports two potential suspects, a bearded male on a bicycle wearing a hoodie and knapsack, and a young petite blonde female. The burglaries have residences rattled but resolute in not letting this crime-spree force them to live in fear.
Although rumors of home invasions are spreading, residences have confidence in the Boulder City Police who have an increased presence around town. Native Boulder City resident and business owner "Larry" states, "In the 62 years I've lived here, this is the first time anything like this has happened...I've raised my family here, now I have grandkids here...we're not about to let these punks change the way we live."
This recent crime-spree contrasts statistical records that show Boulder City's crime rate in an overall downward trend. www.CityRating.com, a company that rates "the best places to live in the USA," reports that based on data from 12 years with violent and property crime decreasing, the crime rate in Boulder City for 2014 is predicted to be lower than in 2010. The Boulder City crime rate in 2010 was lower than the national violent crime rate average by 76.56% and the city property crime rate lower than the national by 72.43%.