The professional photographer Allen Henson is facing $1.1 million law suit for taking a picture of a topless woman at the 86th floor Empire State building.
The Empire State Building management filed the suit case against Henson for allegedly 'damaging its business and reputation as a safe and secure family friendly tourist attraction'.
The photos are said to be part of Henson's "self-styled boob around town project" in which he took a photo of a woman topless using his camera phone.
Several topless photos were also taken by Henson at Central Park and Manhattan Peninsula Hotel, which are all part of his project. He also claimed that the photos were part of a social experiment.
In the photo, everybody seems to be busy looking at the view and nobody seems to notice the woman topless.
"She has nice breasts but people were looking at the view. It was a beautiful day. I don't think anybody noticed, to be honest," Henson said.
The photos flooded the net angered the Empire State management and provoked itself to file a law suit against the professional photographer.
Empire State Management said that Henson failed to send a request for the photo shoot last August. The management also claimed that the shoot was for the photographer's commercial purposes.
Henson, on the other hand denied the claims.
"It was not done to negate brand," Henson said, claiming that the photo was with personal purposes.
Henson on his twitter post said, "So I'm being sued for a million dollars in the NY Supreme court by the empire state building. This should be interesting... Stay tuned."
There are over four million tourists who visit the Empire State Building every year to view the city.