A 12 year-old student of Berrendo Middle school was reported to shoot fellow students inside school premises, Tuesday.
State police said that the motive is still unknown though they are doing investigations including a search warrant sent for the boy's locker, bag and home.
The student heard a loud sound and next thing they knew, there are bloods everywhere.
Witnesses of the said shooting told the police that after the loud sound, the student in the gym started to run and the whole place was in panic. Some students texted their parents about the situation. Parents hysterically rushed to the school to check on their children.
John Masterson, an eight-grade teacher walked into the gym and saved the children. Also, he talked to the boy who to dropped his gun. The boy, who was not named by the police, was transferred to Albuquerque psychiatric hospital after the incident.
Official credit the "drill" by Roswell Independent School for getting the teachers and the students ready for anything that may happen. The student heard the drill and left the school premise.
The student in the gym thought it was a fire drill, and then later they realized it wasn't.
The 11-year-old boy, who was in critical condition requested to be unnamed until his recovery, while the 13-year-old girl was identified as Kendal Sanders, is now in stable condition.
During a prayer vigil, the pastor offered an emotional prayer for healing and forgiveness, urging the resident to pray for shooter.
The students who witness the incident were urged to talk to their counselors for guidance.