With lots of parenting tips on the net, it is just one click to know the rules, the dos and don'ts. However, in the new web documentary by Hank Azaria entitled "Fatherhood", everyone will realize how beautiful it is to have a child.
Azaria's debut of the web series "Fatherhood" at mom.me and AOL, documented his experiences of being a father to a premature son.
He initially posed himself a question why would anyone want to be a father and started interviewing his friends about it.
His life changed when he discovered that his girlfriend was pregnant. The news was a fruitful surprise for both of them
In an interview at NBC, Azaria talked about his being a father how be discover the baby right after his 16-year-old dog died. The dog started dying, while they are shooting the documentary.
Prior to the shooting and pregnancy, he had a lot selfish claims on the kids. Kids are just 'annoying short people' until he had his own.
Hal, who is born 10 weeks earlier, weigh only less than 2 pounds, brought him into a new world.
In its first episode, he interviewed his pals about "what and how' does it feels like to have a child. There's a list of dad contributing to his wisdom on being a 'real father' including Kevin Bacon, Mike Myers, Jim Gaffigan, Tim Robbins, Stephen Moyer, Rainn Wilson, Mike Nichols and Josh Malina.
On the second episode, the documentary fast forwards and brings his 3-year-old playful child on the screen.
"Fatherhood is a sure way to entertain a lot of dads and even moms, with its touching and hearty attack with the topic.
You can watch "Fatherhood" here https://mom.me/fatherhood/ and new episodes through March, every Wednesday.