An HIV-positive college student was charged in October 2013 with exposing sexual partners to HIV and officials announced Thursday they discovered his sex videos.
According to police, 22-year-old Michael Johnson could have knowingly infected more than 30 people with HIV while secretly filming their romps on his computer.
"On that laptop were 32 videos that depicted different individuals engaged in sexual acts with Mr. Johnson," said Tim Lohmar, St. Charles County prosecutor, in an interview.
Majority of the tapes involved in the massive sex scandal were filmed inside his dorm room at Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Mo.
Police built a case against Michael Johnson following a five-month investigation that began after a man told officials he was diagnosed with HIV after having sex with the 22-year-old in his dorm room.
"It's safe to safe that numerous of those videos were taken inside his dorm room; we know that because we recognize the furniture," the prosecutor explained.
The sex tapes allegedly show Johnson having unprotected sex with multiple people he met through social media sites.
Authorities believe Johnson's sex partners were unaware that the college student carried the deadly virus or that their actions were being filmed.
The St. Charles Police Department wants anyone who have been infected by Michael Johnson to come forward and report to authorities.
"It's a matter not only of their individual safety but public safety as well," Lohmar added. The police are strengthening efforts to fight against the spread of the virus and sex scandals that invade people's privacy and violate their safety.