Reportedly, on Apr.13, Showtime's multi-episode documentary series entitled "Years of Living Dangerously," will set off. The makers (Joel Bach and David Gelber of 60 Minutes fame) of the series on global warming and climate change announced that it was call of the time to get high-profile people involved in spreading the critical reality of issue before public. Because still there are folks who think it's a parable or a scam. "We want to break down the tribalism on this issue," "You ask people what they think about climate change and they say, 'I don't like Al Gore," said Gelber.
The series is a team effort of eminent producers, actors, republicans, and journalists including James Cameron, Jerry Weintraub, Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Republican Congressman Michael Grimm, Matt Damon, Jessica Alba, Don Cheadle, Alec Baldwin, Edward Norton, Thomas Friedman, Nicholas Kristof, Mark Bittman and MSNBC host Chris Hayes. These are the some of the big names who will tour to different places to demonstrate the impact of global warming. On the show, Schwarzenegger talks about the impact of wildfires, a crucial matter in California and other western states. Grimm confers about the aftermaths of Superstorm "Sandy" on his district.
Gelber at first wanted to make a film on climate change and sought advice from veteran producer Jerry Weintraub, who guided him to explore TV and the result if this series."Scientists will never get the attention that someone in show business will," Weintraub said. The celebrities involved need to be passionate about the issues and able to ask smart questions, "We didn't choose any actor just to have an actor," continued the producer.
The series will run for about eight or 10 episodes. "The recent devastation on the East Coast is a tragic reminder of the direct link between our daily lives and climate change," said Showtime Networks' president of entertainment David Nevins .Click here to learn more about the series.