Mario Lopez Throws Shocking Diva Fit, Says 'I'm a Celebrity!' To Cut In Line At Customs

Mario Lopez has a diva fit that could rival many women celebrities today.

Travelers queuing to get on an airplane at Puerto Vallarta airport experienced turbulence before they could get on the air when Mario Lopez decided to use the "celebrity" card, according to witnesses.

Daily Mail reported that the "Extra" host threw a tantrum at the airport following a stormy flight from LAX.

According to Confidenti@l, Lopez was reportedly seen cutting in line in front of his fellow first-class passengers, yelling, "I'm a celebrity!"

Lopez flew to the Mexico resort for a family getaway earlier this month, along with wife Courtney Lopez and kids Dominic and Gia. After arriving in Mexico, Lopez and his family got stuck in a long line in customs and got into a heated argument with another traveler because of airport backups.

“He came from L.A., and there was a delayed plane from New York coming in at the same time, so customs was backed up,” a source told Daily Mail. “Mario had been traveling first class and they created a separate first class line, with about 30 people in the line.”

Lopez allegedly made himself known to the customs staff who then ushered the host and his family to the front of the line.

“Everyone was saying, who is this person? What is going on here?” the witness added. “The bunch from New York started getting rowdy.”

Lopez reportedly turned to the other passengers, saying "I'm a celebrity," and angering one particularly frustrated man who had been traveling with three children.

"He told Mario, ‘We’ve all been waiting, I have young kids as well, it’s the principle of it,’ ” the source told Daily Mail.

Despite the slight shoving match Lopez and the man had gotten into, customs stepped in and helped Lopez.

A boxing enthusiast of Mexican descent, Lopez spent a week at the Garza Blanca Preserve Resort & Spa in celebration of his first wedding anniversary with Courtney.

“Mario would not, and has never behaved, in such a manner. He was traveling with his mother, wife, daughter and newborn. This accusation is ridiculous," said Lopez's representative in response to the allegations.

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