The United States contentious healthcare law, from President Barack Obama reached its milestone on Monday with the ending of its introductory enrollment wave. The main goal of the administration in attaining $7 million private healthcare insurance enrollment is nearing its mark.
Just before any triumphant declarations from the administration and its allies, some significant difficulties still remain. Around 50 million Americans are still uninsured with health coverages, and the question still remains, if the law will carry out its promise in building a steady health policy benefiting the people.
Reports also dictate that the main strategy of the Republicans is to entertain discontent from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, to aid the GOP from gaining more power over the U.S. Senate and the House of Representative. Keeping their dominance is a key tactic for the upcoming midterm congressional elections this coming November.
Democrats and Republicans are already on opposing sides towards a proposed change on election year. Modifications directed to the health law will considerably influence positive results towards voters concerns. Republicans plan to counteract the Obamacare, making the health care insurance optional.
Improvement for the 2015 Obamacare enrollment is already gearing towards some affirmative arrangements. An administration ally, Families USA, will be conducting some significant proposals for the advancement of the 2015 enrollment campaign, following the end of the successful introductory period of Obamacare.
A recent survey disclosed, that Americans would prefer to have reforms for Obamacare, than having it canceled. A significant amount of respondents were not content with the health law, although 59% wanted it to be improved and preserved. This numbers would definitely push the GOP to not request for its revocation, and allow the law to be altered for improvement. One major advance is to remove the increasing cost for medical conditions that are already preexisting, and allocating more priority to lowering medical costs and having positive patient outcomes.