Following the breakthrough success of the first movie Blu, voiced by Jesse Eisenberg, is back alongside his lady love Jewel, voiced by Anne Hathaway, and his other pals voices provided by George Lopez (Toco Toucan, Rafael), Jamie Foxx(Yellow canary, Nico) and Tracey Morgan (Bulldog Luiz).
Additional characters to the sequel were given life by the voices of several known vocalists, singer-songwriter Bruno Mars, Broadway turned movie-television actress, Kristin Chenoweth and Janelle Monae.
Rio 2 is expected to be a fun, quirky, musically charged family movie that boasts of stunning visuals (worth seeing in 3D), a fun engaging storyline and music that everyone can enjoy. It expects to draw in kids, teenagers and adults alike - unlike Captain America which is geared mostly towards Adults.
Rio's campaign efforts play on the presence of the largely strong voice talents and the musicians in the cast that will be featured on the songs on the film's soundtrack.
Prior to it's release, Rio 2 has already generated much hype online with 20 million video views, 86,900 Tweets and 73,100 searches, stated by Variety.
The movie's South American setting also has a strong pull on the Latino community, the media campaign has a strong response on twitter where they've been retweeting in the Spanish and Portuguese language accounts.
There was also a crash-course in Portuguese: showing pictures of the characters with basic phrases and their translations such as "Me Chamo" My name is..., "Bom Dia" Good Morning and "Obrigado..." thank you!- to name a few were posted in the Rio 2 Facebook page.
The movie is set to give the Captain America sequel a run for it's money.
Captain America boasts having the Marvel name attached to it-along with the stellar cast Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlett Johansson all reprising their roles.
Rio has already raked in $55.5 million overseas and the total count for it's debut hasn't even been totaled yet, but it is expected to draw in more than $ 45 million dollars to beat out Captain America:Winter Soldier's $90 million April record.
Release date according to imdb is set from April 1-17 in most countries, the exceptions being South Korea (24 April 2014), Poland (9 May 2014), Japan (28 May 2014), Palestine (17 June 2014), Cook Islands (30 July 2014), Fiji (27 October 2014), Macao(25 November 2014), Sri Lanka (4 March 2015)