Ronald McDonald's makeover might be something that many least expect of happening, but hey it's already here. A hipster Ronald is now ready to wave his hands to his patrons and fans.

According to New York Daily News, the famous fast-food mascot Ronald McDonald got a makeover, ditching his mustard yellow jumpsuit for a more stylish red blazer and ketchup-colored bow tie.

Other changes in his wardrobe include a red-and-white striped rugby shirt, slimmer yellow pants, and a more tamed red hair.

Ronald McDonald's makeover is all thanks to the woman, Ann Hould-Ward, who actually won a Tony for her costume creation's for Broadway's "Beauty and the Beast."

But wait! There's more! Aside from his eccentric look, Ronald McDonald's makeover also imply a new responsibility for the fast-food clown.

The famous mascot is said to be playing an active role on social media, especially on Twitter, by tweeting updates to fans using the #RonaldMcDonald hashtag, the company said Wednesday.

"Selfies I come! It's a big world and now, wherever I go and whatever I do ... I'm ready to show how fun can make great things happen," Ronald McDonald's said in a press release for his makeover.

Despite the hard work they put on the mascot's new look - since it's rumored to have been in the works for at least two years - Ronald McDonald's makeover somehow received not-so-pleasing reviews.

"Terrifying," Slate said on the hipster get-up.

"Still creepy?" asked the Los Angeles Times.

Patrons and general netizens also took to Twitter what they have to say about Ronald's new style.

"People are saying #RonaldMcDonald's new image is creepy.. This implies that at one time it was not. Newsflash: He's always been creepy!" a Leah Margaret wrote.

"A creepy #clown in a cheap dinner jacket is still a creepy clown #ronaldmcdonald," a Jean White commented.

"I guess it is possible to make him even creepier," another wrote.

Additionally, some didn't just comment on Ronald McDonald's makeover, but also mocked his new antics.

"His other hashtags: #diabetes, #highbloodpressure, #childhoodobesity, #heartdisease," a Jackson Ville wrote.

"HOLY COW Michael Jackson is back!!!" one netizen wrote.

"Rand Paul is looking a little pale," wrote another.

"Is that a woman?" asked another netizen.

According to Slate, the makeover is McDonald's attempt to boost the lackluster first-quarter earnings of the fast-food.

McDonald's clown was first portrayed by TV weatherman Willard Scott. The character reportedly made his debut in 1963.

In the recent years, the fast-food mascot has been nothing but part of the background of Ronald McDonald House Charities; hence, the company thought of a way to give the clown an even more active role in the years to come.

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