Fist Lady Michelle Obama Outraged Over Boko Haram Terror Acts And Nigerian Schoolgirls Abduction

First Lady of The United States, Michelle Obama recently expressed her outrage on Saturday over the abduction of more than 200 schoolgirls in Nigeria by the Boko Haram terror organization, stating that the U.S. is currently providing assistance to the African Nation in order to find and return the children.

In the White House weekly address which is normally presented by the president, the First Lady Michelle Obama said, "Like millions of people across the globe, my husband and I are outrages and heartbroken."

She also made statements against the Islamist extremist terror organization, Boko Haram, who is the culprit for the recent abductions of Nigerian schoolgirls, saying "terrorists group determine to keep these girls from getting an education, grown men attempting to snuff out the aspirations of young girls."

Recently the First Lady also posted an image of herself holding banner on her Twitter account with the hashtag "Bring Back Our girls," also a message that reads "Our prayers are with the missing Nigerian girls and their families. It's time to #BringBackOurGirls. -mo."

The abduction of the Nigerian schoolgirls by the Boko Haram created a swarm of campaigns on social media by celebrities and individuals who condemns the act of the terror organization. The move against the Nigerian terrorists swept around the globe calling for immediate solution to locate and help the schoolgirls come home.

The Boko Haram also released a video of their leader announcing that they have the right to sell the girls and do what they want with them. Speculation were made by analysts concludes that the abducted Nigerian schoolgirls may be in a horrifying condition right now and they are bound to experience starvation, rape, torture and hard slavery from the terror group.

As of the moment, U.S. President Barack Obama and the administration is deploying technical experts and various assistance to aid the search and rescue operations of the girls in Nigeria. While the First Lady Michelle Obama statements made on the Mother's Day Weekend, declaring that the incident that caused fear and horror to the mothers of the abducted girls caused outrage on her part and said that the kidnappings a "matter of great significance for me."

Michelle Obama, Boko Haram, White House, President Barack Obama, United States