Vanessa Ann Hudgens new movie

Vanessa Ann Hudgens, the girl who gained fame and success after bagging and portraying the role of Gabriella Montez in all three High School Musical films opposite ex beau Zac Efron is many years later moving further and further pulling away from the role. Through the years she has been taking on- She has since done more mature, edgier films.

 Most recently in Spring Breakers costarring James Franco and Selena Gomez. The film revolved around the antics of four college-aged girls and the mess they get themselves into. Their wild weekend started when they decided to rob from a fast food restaurant in order to pay for their spring break. In March 2013 it was released theatrically receiving generally positive reviews. The film is a no no for youngsters featuring way more mature themes such as drug use, sexual escapades, and violence.

Hudgens had before been a part of the movie "Thirteen," which had a similar theme as Spring Breakers some sort of coming of age story which showcased the dark and difficult aspect of growing up as a teen in America tackling issues such as bullying, drug and alcohol abuse, self-harm, and underage sexual exchanges/experimentation.

On a lighter side she was in the movie "Beastly" opposite Alex Pettyfer and later on in the visually rich, wonderfully enticing "Sucker Punch."and the second "Journey to the Center of the earth film."

Current developmenst to her career since April 2011, it has since been reported that she would star in Gimme Shelter with Brendan Fraser, a film written and directed by Ron Kraus Hudgens and she will in addition to that play Cindy Paulson in The Frozen Ground.

Next she'll be in yet another horror comedy kinda film called "Kitchen Sink" which is in post-production stages set for next year's release.

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