Big Bang Theory Season 7 Finale Episode 24 Stream [+SPOILERS] Don’t Go Changing Sheldon Cooper! [FREE ONLINE STREAM LINK]

Big Bang Theory season 7 is wrapping this season up with episode 24, which is set to air this Thursday, May 5, at 8/7c on CBS. Change is definitely in the air for our geeky gang, but Sheldon Cooper just doesn't like everything about it. Now that Leonard and Penny are engaged, it seems that more and more changes are about to take place in the hit, long-running sitcom, especially in Leonard's relationship with Sheldon. However, the latter isn't someone who is ready to embrace these changes. Don't miss the finale episode which airs this Thursday night. Watch Big Bang Theory season 7 episode 24 stream using the free online stream link at the bottom.

Note: The following paragraphs contain major spoilers on the upcoming season finale of Big Bang Theory Season 7. If you don't want to spoil the fun and excitement of watching a brand new episode, simply scroll down to the bottom and look for the free online stream link there.

Last time we saw our geeky gang, Leonard and Penny have said yes to the engagement, quite a surprising move actually. Nevertheless, it seems this isn't the only change that is taking over the lives of our characters. Sheldon Cooper is facing a few personal changes apart from having to deal with the idea that things are going to be pretty different when Penny and Leonard tie the knot. Still caught up in the repercussions of his breakup with string theory and the death of Professor Proton, Sheldon is finding it really difficult to cope with the changes in his life. Catch the season finale tonight. Watch Big Bang Theory season 7 finale episode 24 stream through the free online stream link at the bottom.

A sneak peek to the upcoming finale episode shows Sheldon venting to Amy his anger at the University, who are rather unsupportive of his breakup with string theory. The University is encouraging Dr. Cooper to return to studying string theory, and this just adds insult to injury. Amy has to put up with Sheldon's never-ending rant about the issue. Fortunately, Amy will find a way to take advantage of the situation, but something tells us that she'll end up just trying anyway. Watch Big Bang Theory season 7 episode 24 finale stream using the free online stream link at the end of this post.

Show executive producer Steve Molaro recently talked about the upcoming season finale. "There are a lot of moves made by different people in the finale," Molaro told TVGuide. "This season is more of a cliff-hanger... and what happens affects everyone, not just one person." Interestingly, Jim Parsons also dished about the fate of his character in the season finale. "He gets the hell out of there and I have no idea where he's going or what he's planning," Parsons told TVLine. "I won't know until I come back and read the first episode [of Season 8]. All the [personal and professional] changes that are taking place finally start to come home to roost for him as problems. It was very interesting to read it for the first time and then to play the final episode because it really gets at the crux of something that is perhaps his defining characteristic as a character on television - which is his resistance to change." Watch the season finale online using the Big Bang Theory season 7 episode 24 finale free online stream link below.

Meanwhile, Kaley Cuoco also opened up about the Season 7 finale, and this is what she told The Hollywood Reporter: "I'm ready for them to get married. Maybe because I just got married - so come one Penny and Leonard, it's been six years! It took us six months! But I hope that's in the cards for them." Catch the all-new episode this Thursday night at 8/7c on CBS, or watch it online using the free online stream link at the bottom.

The official synopsis for Big Bang Theory season 7 episode 24 reads: "Sheldon is forced to confront an uncertain future and considers a major move. Meanwhile, Raj and Emily take it to the next level, and Mrs. Wolowitz's injury is a major headache for Howard and Bernadette."

"The Status Quo Combustion, the finale episode this season, is set to air this Thursday night at 8/7c on CBS. Watch Big Bang Theory season 7 finale episode 24 stream using this free online stream link here.

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