Fast-food workers are getting on their feet to protest against low wages and express their call for an wage increase. They have demonstrated at midtown Manhattan that they are not going to put up with the mistreatment of society and their management staff. Numerous McDonalds and Domino's Pizza workers have occupied the street from Domino's Pizza on West 40 between 7th and 8th avenues in Manhattan. Their slogan and call was "The people united will never be defeated." This protest didn't take place in NYC only. It happened in 33 major countries around the world. The protests took place in more than 150 cities in the US and the intention of the workers is to request wages that are at least $15 dollars per hour, an amount sufficient to reflect their dedication, efforts and long hours of work. Currently, the average wage of fast-food chain workers is around $9. Their move to protest is brave, courageous and reflects that they really want to move away from their current situation.
"These unprecedented international protests are just the start of a worldwide campaign to change the highly profitable, global fast-food industry," according to Ron Oswald, general secretary of the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Association (IUF).
The campaign to increase the wages of fast-food workers began in New York City in November 2012.
The fast-food workers have been mistreated in a variety of ways since years ago. They have been trying to improve their work conditions during the years, but that has never happened in the past years. That's why now they are extremely motivated to achieve their targets. In a world full of change and uncertainty, their move is considered brave and commendable. President Obama has already supported initiatives for a minimum wage increase and everyone hopes for a great effective solution to the problem that would benefit all.