Fox News Anchor Gregg Jarrett Detained for Being ‘Wasted’ in Airport Bar, Interfering Peace Officer

Gregg Jarrett, a Fox News anchor, was arrested Wednesday at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport for being wasted in an airport bar and on a misdemeanor charge of obstruction of the legal process and interfering with a peace officer, CNN has learned.

The Fox News anchor was reportedly "belligerent and uncooperative" with the authorities, who responded at the scene at around 12:30 p.m. Wednesday to a report that 59-year-old Jarrett was drunk at an airport bar called Northern Lights Grill, airport spokesman Patrick Hogan told the press.

"We were made aware late last night that Gregg Jarrett was arrested in Minneapolis yesterday and charged with a misdemeanor," according to an e-mail from a Fox News spokeswoman to CNN Thursday. "He is dealing with serious personal issues at this time."

Gregg Jarret, who is currently on leave from the news station, denied to cooperate with responding authorities Los Angeles, joined Fox News in 2002 after stints at MSNBC and Court TV, New York Daily News reported after he got booked into Hennepin County Jail for interfering with a peace officer.

At about 1:30 a.m. Thursday, Jarrett was released on a $300 bond, jail records revealed. The same documents also state that the Fox News anchor is set to appear in court on June 6 on a misdemeanor charge of "obstruction of the legal process and interfering with a peace officer."

According to TVNewser - a Web site that covers the television news industry - Gregg Jarrett was placed on leave from his weekend anchor duties because he had "requested time off for personal reasons and Fox obliged."

Jarrett, who is from.

"A date at which Gregg might return to air has yet to be determined," the Fox News spokesman added.

Gregg and his wife, Catherine, have been married since 1993.The 59-year-old anchor has not commented on the issue since his release.

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