If You Have An Online Degree, Be Prepared to Answer These Questions In Interviews

By R S Ali | Mar 02, 2016 11:06 AM EST


There used to be a time when employers and recruiters were a vary of applicants who had online degrees - this is not the case anymore With the world changing in recent times, this perception has changed to a large extend. However, it still means that potential employees with online degrees should keep in mind how recruiters feel about online education, and what they may be asked.

Most employees who get online degrees do so for the sake of career preparation, at least according to the results of a 2015 survey conducted by Aslanian Market Research and the Learning House, according to US News. Almost 75% of candidates said they were going for online degrees to keep their skills up to date, to change industries or get a job.

For those of you who have online degrees, this is not a reason to panic. After all, you are more than just your degree. Recruiters will always look at more important things along with your degree. However, you can expect them to verify your education as they would verify a physical university degree.

These are the queries you can expect to encounter if you have an online degree:

1. Was your online school accredited?

Employers and recruiters will be concerned whether the school was locally or nationally or internationally accredited or not. Legitimacy is the big concern behind this. Accreditation speaks of credibility, something recruiters will always look for.

2. They might be curious why you went to online school

Frequently, the reasons behind a question are more important than the answer themselves. The reasons can reveal a person's far-sightedness and maturity, and decision making skills.

3. They might ask you if you worked as a team with other students

Frequently, a big concern for holders of online school degrees is their lack of social interaction, or what is called the 'university experience'.In collaborative learning, experience and exposure are usually as important, if not more, than the formal education itself. Recruiters want to see that you can understand and interpret a range of perspectives on different issues.

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