How Do You Know When You Need A Career Change?

By R S Ali | Mar 10, 2016 07:34 AM EST


If you know your career is completely wrong for you, you can start thinking about how you're going to make a change. But how do you know whether your career is really wrong, or you're just confused because you're having a bad day?

If you feel like your work has no real value to you, it might be a sign you should consider changing careers.

The right career is about compatibility on a range of different levels. It should support your lifestyle, your interests, your skills, your personality and your values. This doesn't mean you will have to put no effort into a career; no. But it should come naturally.

Your work should give you a sense of purpose and pride, even on some level. It shouldn't; for example, be just about the money, or be some job you took because you didn't have a choice, or because you are extremely bored. It shouldn't make you unhappy, damage your self-esteem or undermine your integrity.

So ask yourself these questions courtesy of Monster, and if you answer No to more questions than you answer Yes to, it might be time to seriously consider a career change.

  • Do you look forward to being at work most days?
  • Do you think you get treated with respect?
  • Can you be yourself at work without anxiety of being judged?
  • Are you kept in the loop most of the time?
  • Do you think you get a fair amount of opportunities for promotion?
  • Are you stimulated intellectually by your work?
  • Do you find yourself daydreaming about a new career?
  • Does your work come naturally to you?
  • You think you are successful.
  • You are working to your full potential.
  • You feel like you are in control of your career and your work life.
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