San Bernardino Shooter's iPhone Brought Zero Information for the FBI, Professional Hackers Aided FBI

By Alexandra Park | Apr 18, 2016 11:01 AM EDT


Much to the dismay of the FBI officials, San Bernardino shooter's iPhone brought nothing of relevance for the case. Also, despite the aid and assistance of the speculated professional hackers, it was not able to bring in much help for the case.

A former post from PC indicated, "After all the squabbling between Apple and the FBI over iPhone encryption specifically, the contents of the iPhone belonging to one of the San Bernardino shooters, it should come as little surprise that the story ends in a bit of a Murphy's Law because the FBI hasn't found anything of interest on Syed Farook's device."

It appears that the present undertaking of the FBI is to retrace back on the factors pertaining to the case. However, it does not imply that the San Bernardino shooter's iPhone would be set aside since even now the FBI is still analyzing the iPhone and its contents.

On a different note, a separate report from The Washington Post cited unverified sources that the FBI in reality asked the assistance of some certain professional hackers to gain access to the iPhone instead of listing the aid of a cyber security firm.

Meanwhile, more report from Jobs & Hire has mentioned on how Apple has aimed on improving their smartphone devices particularly its iPhone series and with that innovation, more security features are forecast to arise.

It is undeniable that FBI wage a war against the giant tech company Apple to gain access to the noted device.  Also, as FBI joined the ranks of those that participated in judicial gauntlet with Apple in order to sidestep Apple's company protections as well as listed the professional hackers help, the mystery remains and the information persist to hide in the shadows.

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