‘NBA 2K16’ UPDATE: New Gameplay, Release Date, Trailer & Features Revealed So Far

"NBA 2K16," which is expected to be released on Sept. 29, revealed some features that gamers can expect. Publisher 2K Games and developer Visual Concepts are slowly revealing them, and here's what we know so far.

2K Pro-Am is the newest mode that will be included in "NBA 2K16," according to Polygon. In this mode, people will bring their MyCareer characters online to form custom teams to compete in five-on-five games.

It appears that 2K Pro-Am is the replacement of Jordan Rec Center which appeared in 2K15. With ProAm, player can create a team where they can customize jerseys, court and arenas.

Yes, that's right. A gamer can create his own team and compete with others, but be mindful though, team players are not randomly generated, rather, they are custom-made.

All locations follow NBA rules, including time-outs and fouls, as per High Def Digest. More so, "NBA 2k16" Pro-Am has daily, monthly and all-time Leaderboards.

Players can also place text on the hardwood and upload customized logos, which is something new to the NBA 2K franchise. In addition, each in-game, 2K Pro-Am offers four courts that can handle up to 40 players at once.

Some are doubtful though if Pro-Am will work at its launching. Gamers have more or less eight weeks to find out.

The basketball trailer below shows the "NBA 2K16" Pro-Am locker room. Ball players show up one-by-one dressed in distinct attires.

At this point, MyPlayers integration comes in. It is an online multiplayer mode, allowing a gamer to send the player to a pick-up game with nine other players.

There is also a caption at the bottom that says "No waiting," Gotta Be Mobile learned. This simply means that the game can start immediately in a Pro-Am mode.

"NBA 2K16" will be released on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox 360 and Xbox One platforms. For customers who would like to get a copy in advance, the game will be available four days ahead of the release date for pre-ordering.

Release Date