Everyday new rumors about the iPhone 5 emerge, however none have been as shocking as the reported
price tag of $800 for the megaphone.
According to the social trend tracking website Topsy.com a total of 4,007 people mentioned the phrase "iPhone 5 $800 on twitter between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m.
The hashtag #800DollarsForAniPhone at one point early Thursday morning became the number-one non-promoted trending topic worldwide.
According to Twitter responses from users even with the extreme hype of the product, users consider $800 to be a ridiculous amount for simply a cell phone, regardless of how amazing it may be.
"iPhone 5 $800? Better be able to touch their face when we FaceTime." Tweeted user @ODonLannie_.
Other rumors of the phone have barely been a trending topic on Twiiter. No one knows exactly where this rumor erected from.
However, no accredited newswire source seems to mention the price tag being associated with the phone. The only reference to $800 and the iPhone 5 is from Reuters and they are referring to the stock prices.
Suggesting that their analysts do not believe the iPhone 5's release will have as much of a positive impact as the iPhone 4 and 4s, iPad 2 and the "new iPad" -- aka iPad 3" -- and other Apple products' releases have had on the firm's stock price per share. Here's that excerpt:
As of now it wouldn't be wise to take the rumor for truth value as a rumor is nothing more than a generally circulated story, report, or statement without facts to confirm its truth.