'Fallout 4' Recap: Know The 7 Attributes That Will Help You Survive The Wasteland [WATCH TRAILERS]

"Fallout 4" SPECIAL or S.P.E.C.I.A.L is an acronym for seven character attributes - Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck, IGN reported. It is important to enhance these attributes in order to survive the Wasteland, hence, the video series from Bethesda.

Over the course of seven weeks, "Fallout 4" developer released trailers defining each attribute. The video also explained how a specific characteristic can aid you to survive the challenges that lie beyond the vault.

There is, more or less, two weeks before the actual "Fallout 4" game is released, and it would be best if you get yourself fully equipped with the knowledge. Let's do a quick recap, shall we?

7. Luck

Bethesda wrapped the "Fallout 4" SPECIAL video series with Luck, which was released on Wednesday. According to the PC Gamer, it is different from the other attributes because it acts as a modifier.

It increases your chance to be successful in accomplishing a task. Techno Buffalo learned that investing in Luck will result in more critical hits and better loots.

6. Agility

Increasing the agility will enable your character to act more resolutely in advance. This "Fallout 4" attribute can turn your prowl attack into a tactical move in your favor.

Other benefits of increasing your character's agility include being able to rapidly reload weapons and piling damage to additional target. Watch the video below to see how it works.

5. Intelligence

On Oct. 7, Bethesda released the video series focusing on Intelligence, and as the footage says, it isn't all about the physical. Sometimes it is the "survival of the smartest."

Increasing your character's intelligence raises your chance of getting access to new places and technologies. This attribute will also help you to be able to create your very own weapons.

4. Charisma

A week prior to Intelligence, a "Fallout 4" SPECIAL video discussing Charisma was unveiled. After the atomic annihilation, the Wasteland became a distrustful place, so the video reiterates that earning someone's trust is important for your survival.

Increasing this attribute will help you get more favorable merchandise during barter. In addition, your Charisma doesn't only work to humans, but to animals as well.

3. Endurance

The topic of focus on Bethesda's Sept. 23 video was Endurance. Increasing this attribute will help your character resist the effects of radiation and protect it from physical harm.

Another benefit of adding points to your character's endurance is acquiring new options for food. Remember, the more endurance there is, the further you can go.

2. Perception

The danger above the ground is real, and as soon as you emerge, you will be faced by multiple threats — they all come in different forms and shapes. Here is where the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System comes in.

Your character will be able to identify your adversary's weakness with the help of VATS. Increasing your perception will also increase accuracy, according to "Fallout 4" developer's video.

1. Strength

The video about this attribute was the first to be released by Bethesda. With increased Strength, your character would be able to carry more things in the Wasteland.

In terms of physical combat, the greater the Strength attribute, the stronger that impact will be.

"Fallout 4" slated for the Nov. 10 release date on PS4, PC and Xbox One.
