Nintendo NX ‘Already DOOMED’ Says Critic; Game Analyst Michael Partner Absolutely HATES The Upcoming Nintendo Console

The Nintendo NX is not even here yet, but a certain critic is already saying that it is doomed.

According to a report by Nintento Insider, outspoken Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter said that without a key third-party support for Nintendo's upcoming console, it will fail.

Pachter said, "If Nintendo gets the same level of support for NX that it got for the Wii U, it's doomed before it launches," and added, "That's much, much more important than the price. If they get third-party support, if they make it in such a way that everyone can port every game over and the incremental cost to make if for Xbox One, PS4 and NX is $1-2 million, every game will be there.

He also lamented that the reason is because it's a whole "different language" or requires a different programming scheme for developers, in addition to the GamePad where the game publishers must tweak the controls to better fit how the Wii U works.

Pachter went on to say that he thinks game publishers are cautious of Nintendo because they got "burned" by the Wii and the Wii U. He suggested that the more the upcoming Nintendo NX looks like the PlayStation 4 or the Xbox One, the better chances of it succeeding.

In addition, Gaming Bolt also reported that Pachter said that Nintendo must price its upcoming console of no more than $299. He pointed that the horrendous launch of the Wii U turned off new gamers. He goes on to say that the only people who will buy the Nintendo NX are Nintendo enthusiasts or those who does not have either a PlayStation 4 or an Xbox One.

However, Wii U Daily reiterated that this is just his prediction since Nintendo has yet to release concrete details regarding the NX.

He also admitted that he does not have a real clue about the Japanese-game maker's marketing plans for the NX, but said that he was willing to make some predictions based on the current market.

It seems that he does not see the NX faring well, since he compared that Nintendo made a mistake by selling the Wii U for $349.

Pachter said, "Don't know what they are going to do, don't know when the NX will come, [don't] really know what Nintendo's got planned - we don't know many details. I am sure we are going to see something on the NX next year, [but] I'm not sure when it's launching,"

"When I hear more, I reserve the right to change my mind about exactly what things are going to do and how well they'll sell."

Nintendo NX, Nintendo, Wii U, Xbox One